Bill's Bountiful Blog
May I keep you posted on my thoughts, ideas, observations, and silliness?. Am I serious? Is it relevant?. Does anyone care? Probably not much.
But in today's age of everyone has something to say, why not me? And who can blame me for jumping into to the pool? For speaking up For laying it out?
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." - Thomas Wiley, Journalist
It Is Time for Double Tips
By William May
Published: 02/26/21
Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Gratitude, Health, Kindness
Comments: 0
A new vacation rental landlord was appalled to find out that the management firm put "Housekeeper Tip Envelopes" into homes. She presumptuously concluded that the housekeepers were not paid sufficiently.
That reveals she hasn't the slightest idea of how to be in the hospitality industry. Certainly housekeepers appreciate tips, but tips are not really there for the money.
- Tips show appreciation.
- Tips show recognition of the hard work.
- Tips show respect for undesirable work.
- Tips are the price you pay to avoid the job.
- Tips show you are a kind person.
Housekeeping is the kind of work that this privileged snotty rental owner can simply not imagine. Maybe if such owners went out, scrubbed floors, unclogged toilets, and pushed a vacuum until their hands grew callouses, maybe then they would see, or at least begin to feel what it's like to be disrespected.
During the Covid crisis, it has been reported that customers are tipping service personnel, like restaurant servers, delivery drivers, and dry cleaners, far lower than ever before. Of course, some consumers have less money available to leave tips, but for everyone else - shame on you.
People have lost jobs. Some have taken positions at lower wages. Some work part-time when full-time is what they need. That means now is the time to show more respect for service people, not less.
Double Tip
Without much forethought our family has been tipping higher than usual nowadays. But this ungrateful client gave us a brand new idea. Not only is it time to tip everyone well, maybe it's time to start a movement - it's time to tip everyone double.
Maybe it was always time to double tip everyone. Tip double! At minimum. Always!
The Best Reward
On the way home tonight we stopped for take-out at a drive-through fast food restaurant and tipped $20 on a $25 order. We also handed over giant smiles and a very big THANK YOUS.
The wonderful young clerk said, "Oh, that’s too much." To which we had to say, "Oh no, that’s just right."
But the best part of tipping double is that you will get more out of it than the recipient. Generosity always benefits the giver.
And now it can and should benefit us all double! Maybe next time we should make it triple. How about you?
Author: William May
Blog #: 0809 – 02/26/21
Everyting In Kindergarten - Lodging Newsletter October 1st, 2009
By William May
Published: 10/01/09
Topics: Education, Kindness, Lodging Newsletter, Reputation
Comments: 0
I stumbled onto an Internet posting the other day that told me it has been twenty years since Robert Fulgham wrote "Everything I Really Need to Know I Learned in kindergarten."
That is stunning really because it does, as they say, seem like yesterday. Of course I've read some of his other books and now that I've visited his website ( I see there are others I will have to savor. So should you.
After 22 years as a Unitarian Minister in the Pacific Northwest, Fulgham publisher that first book and has never looked back. His view of the world is pretty simple or so it seems. As the world accelerates and technology dominates Fulgham would remind us of the basic, appropriate and mature.
Although his mature might strike some as youngish or maybe even immature, the stories and ideas he illustrates so well are the basic foundation on which we as humans should strive.
So what would all of this have to do with the somewhat non-universal industry of vacation rentals? Well plenty as it seems. Or maybe I should say it has to do with every business, every career and certainly every calling.
The kindergarten book reminds us all the foster those concepts which are universal in every culture. Things like:
- Don't lie. Always tell the truth.
- Don't hit.
- Treat your parents well
- Pick up after yourself.
- Say Please and Thank You.
To me it seems like Fulgham’s message might be summed up in the phrase "treat everyone well" or at least try.
I am not sure I have always accomplished that goal but I know I ham always aware of it and have always tried. I also know that isn't easy when conflict exists in the world, as it inevitably does. Nor is it easy when others might try to bring you down to their level. An acquaintance who becomes distraught, a customer who is unreasonable or even governmental bureaucrats who steal more and more freedom from Americans.
It would be easy to despise such people but in the end, we have to remember to treat them well also. If even that respect will not be reciprocal.
So is there anything practical in this blog? Yes I assure you there is. Here are a set of rules for how we conduct our business in hopes that guests, owners and vendors will treat us likewise.
- Be Clear. In advertising, contracts, phone calls, emails.
- Be fair. It can be difficult to understand unreasonable request, but we gotta keep trying.
- Be Quick. Get back to people. Take care of problems as fast as possible.
- Be Happy. No job is easy and half the job is simply deciding to go about it with joy.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0116 – 10/01/09Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
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